Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Snark Attack 2

I wanted to get my thoughts out before I read any other reviews of Lear, specifically The Washington Post's, since I knew they were pretty much universally complimentary.

Sure enough, WaPo practically (to use a slighly vulgar term picked up from Victoria) licks the production. You can read it here.

I understand that my own thoughts are catty and harsh and come imbued with a certain "I know better" tone. I don't know better and I certainly don't think I could do better, but the problem is I care passionately about how Shakespeare is both presented and perceived today, and I think there are problems. And I get riled up. And then I get bitchy.

Basically, I just wanted to let you all know I recognize that. And that I don't think I am the be-all and end-all and that I know these are talented people working on these productions I shred. It's just that, because I know they are talented, I expect more, which leads to great disappointment.

Um...that's it, really. Just wanted to apologize for sounding like a crazed militant. I kind of am, but that doesn't make it less obnoxious.

And if you see Lear, I want to know what you think of it! Especially if you disagree. Maybe I'm just not getting something.

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