Friday, June 19, 2009

140 Character Witticisms

Okay, I'll admit it...I love twitter. I didn't think I would, I thought it was superfluous, I thought I'd never use it. But no, it's amazing. Besides it's current "higher calling" of keeping all us privileged Westerners abreast of the situation in Iran, it also serves the totally low-brow purpose of being just damn entertaining. Mindy Kaling, Sockington and Ana Marie Cox's feeds routinely make me laugh out loud, not to mention the offerings of my criminally clever friends, such as Sam. It's let me keep in touch with my friends in England better than any other form of communication I know, not to mention being helpful in tracking London theater reviews and White House initiatives. The uses for Twitter for endless!

It's also a hilarious tool politicians use to get themselves in trouble . I follow a few, such as my senator Mark Warner and the ever-awesome Claire McCaskill, and so far they have managed to avoid causing any real ruckus. The Republicans seem to have that under control.

Case in point, Pete Hoekstra comparing the GOP struggles in Congress to the situation in Iran. Um...what?

Luckily, as is evidenced by this article from Alec, Twitter has another noble purpose...heckling!

My favorite?

netw3rk @petehoekstra Someone walked in on me while I was in the bathroom. Reminded me of Pearl Harbor.

Ah, genius.

1 comment:

  1. May I recommend Eugene Mirman's Twitter? Unmitigated surrealism, 140 characters at a time.
